आँशुको मोल उही त हो, जस्ले झारे पनि पिरतीमा को जित्छ र,...
Why would every horror movies show some monster hidden under the bed? And why always at midnight? I thought to myself just after watching on...
NEVER BARTER TO BE BATTERED In simple terms, to barter will have you lose at one end and gain something new almost immediately; being batter...
I found my way in the darkness of these green forests The sparkle in this darkness Gives me a clear view Where I am and where I want to b...
This poem is about a boy who is close to his mother. He expresses his love for her through this poem. He reads this poem in front of his who...
I hope that you truly feel like you're complete within you from inside. I always told you that, remember. Took long to figure it out but...
THE SIMPLICITY IN WISDOM Who has eaten the fruits from the wisdom tree? How does it taste? Who has been schooled and indoctrinated in the wa...
The meaning of love for everyone tends to differ .There is no certain definition of love, it varies according to people . Whereas for some p...
In NBA offseason 2019 we saw some big names leaving their team and joining a new team. This year will be exciting because more than 210 play...
A wedding pageant? Yes, it sounds misplaced to associate weddings with pageantry but that is what it has become today. There are some few it...
On the no moon day of the lunar dark fortnight in Bhadra (Bhadra Krishna pachaya), August/Sept every year. The day is celebrated as Father&r...
मेरो बारेमा म भन्दा बडी त उनलाई थाहा छ, म उनको लागि ...
Dad, Those were the days, I used to catch your forefinger And move from Banjokhet to Bhanu Memorial, But now, I am teachin...
An organization requires extraordinary manpower to reach a high level of success. And the manpower means all level or grade of work. From a ...
The dark image where my mind questions the truth of life?? The dark image where my soul enlights the chaos Sorry you're all ...
गाउ घर, परिवार र छर- छिमेकीलाई दुख दिने जडिया दिउसो ख...
भारत तिमीसँग बदला लिनु छ ! हातैले निचोर्दा वासनादार ...
Has it ever happened to you? Being unable to differentiate whether something really happened or was it just an imagination, a dream. Somethi...
A silhouette lurking in the thick mist, the pitch black image of a spectral phenomenon. The primal horror imagery. It was standing still,...
A poem, "BE WITH ME ALWAYS", is about a boy who was close to his mother. He expresses his love for her through this poem. He reads...
भख्खरकी छिन भगाई ल्याए,गल्ती मन पराई दिनु! प्रदेश ज...
The thuds and thumps and smacks and stomps only grew louder as the night grew younger. It turns out it’s not the first time something ...
प्रक्रिया र दस्तुर सहित कुनै पनि उद्यम गर्न चाहने व...
The New Year of Nepal (known in Nepal as Naya Barsha or Nawa Barsha) is the first day of the calendar year of Bikram Sambat Nepali. This is ...