Anxiety at the Workplace

If you’re reading this right now, you probably are facing some significant pitfalls at work, with rambling thoughts, absent-mindedness...

Why Is Meditation Important in Today’s World?

Some folks still think meditation is the province of free spirits who like dozing off on a braided grass mat somewhere when the subject of m...

How to Deal with Insomnia During Pregnancy?

Overview After the baby is delivered, sleep deprivation for a new mother is inevitable. You probably weren't aware that it might also...

6 Effective Ways on How to Overcome ADHD Procrastination?

How to overcome ADHD Procrastination? Procrastination is the deliberate and persistent delay of essential tasks, especially when doing so pu...

Postpartum Depression: A Hidden Epidemic

One of the most joyful—and saddest—moments in life is when you become a parent. The first few days after giving birth are typ...

भारतसँग बदला लिन मन छ

भारत तिमीसँग बदला लिनु छ ! हातैले निचोर्दा वासनादार ...

5 Health Advantages of Sit-Stand Desks

Why necessary to sit stands desks? There are a few most important health advantages related to at the least a part of your day has standi...

The Legend cigarette

Legend cigarette defines the greatest and brightest thought that any human creature stores in his mind. Mind refers filter point of cigarett...

Spa and It's beauty in Nepal

Spa is an actual location for the people who are in need of medicinal bath by experts is with mineral rich spring water and seawater. Mostly...

ग्यास्ट्रिक छ ? यसो गर्नुस् ठाउँको ठाउँ निको हुन्छ

आजभोलि धेरै ग्यास्ट्रिकको समस्या लिएर अस्पताल जाने ...