Respecting women is like respecting a Mother
No offence and shout out for all of you but respect her
"Women is a power of Living"
They are just speechless indeed! They hide all their feelings for others happiness. isn't that sounds something unbelievable?
They had to suffer from natural phenomena like menstruation but orthodox society plays a bad role to struggle the women ! Despite all those hurdles women still survive!
They all are restricted from more than one guy with them, & if they are with more than one they are being called Characterless! I spit on to the face of so-called society. why this? ........why can't they live their life? isn't it so cruel? pathetic and ruthless.... nevertheless women make it alive for their existence!
The male gender is approval for having many physical relationships but if the female is found doing this they are treated as like they are from the next planet! isn't it sound lousy!
How many innocent girls are webbed on the internet, many more are trapped in girls trafficking and they are being used as a sex toy! Isn't it sounds brutal for the female? finger crossed (Xmas)
Many developing countries in the remote areas till the women struggle more with circumstance and society!
Feel your mother you can understand women more
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