I want to fly free like a bird
Breaking this wall of Jericho into dust,
Transcending my limitations and boundaries above the sky
Freeing from this miserable prison I just want to fly.
All those catapult of prying eye on my flesh
Each and every mind and heart full of lust on quest,
These herds of pigs enter this dragon to quench their thirst
I just can’t open my mouth for there is none whom I can trust.
There isn’t any price for my emotion and feeling only perishable body
Do I even have a heart or I’ve lost it in this cage utterly,
No one would even bother to peek inside to hear its beat
All are betrayal and deceiver and I’m forever again in deep shit.
Why are they so hungry for this bare flesh?
Do I even have any identity outside glass bar which I can’t break,
Crowds of dogs I see auctioning for me everyday
With cold heart and suffocation of smile I welcome in my own sway.
Will I ever find someone who will love wholeheartedly and unconditionally?
This is the only dream to get lost in my own wilderness of fantasy,
I often dream of that redeemer of dark alley when my flesh is in rest
I am alive trading myself for that only hope which is my best.
I’ve won different titles and names from merciless heart
Their hands of filth have destroyed my whole art,
I want to run across green vegetation, Himalayas and sea
But the only question is will I ever be able to fly free?
Will I ever be able to fly free?
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