Every child is born with the luminous power to brighten the home. The entry of new member is the delivery of an extra package of happiness in the family. The day is really special, someone's lap full of happiness and someone's eyes full of dreams. The contradiction comes here that whether each child blossom like a flower or omits also. The distinction is created by the thread of economy. When the birth occurs in the poor house, the child drags to no revival and the survival in death. There the compulsion for work to live rises the term "child labor " .
In accordance of ILO , "Child labor is the work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development. " The hands for pen are forced to carry iron rods , legs are in field instead of schools and innocent eyes are peering at the money instead of blackboards. Some children are playing pebbles in the group and many more are busy with the hammers breaking chips and stones. In Nepal, we can see the children who are selling the body and soul for empty stomach everywhere. The small hands with bricks or chips are the tendering or painful scene to visualize. In every engagement of child labor, we can listen to the story of hard works, pain, and wounds faced by small children.
The child labor is associated with agriculture, industry, hotels, etc. The children in Karnali are running after animals, children in Kathmandu are washing the dreams with utensils, children in Jhapa are painting the dreams with mud and the children of Lumle are moving with the seeds by being wet with the droplet of rains. No area is free from the touch of child labor. While analyzing the data of Nepal, ILO accounts that 1.6 million children are found to be the victim of child labor. Among them, 621,000 children are engaged in hazardous work. In the field of hazardous work , more than 60% of such labour are found to be girls . With the data by NLFS, in child labor, 88.7% are found in agriculture, 1.4% in manufacturing , 1.6% in wholesale and retail trade , 1% in hotels, 0.3% in constructing, 0.1% in private household world and similarly 6.9% are in industries.
Undoubtedly , children are the future pillar of nthe ation and there are various legal provisions for it but the most violated right is mournfully child rights . In the constitution of Nepal 2072 BS , article 39 has secured the rights of children and mentioned the child labour illegal which is included in the part-3 , fundamental rights and duties . Also , we can see various organizations against child labour around . CWISH Nepal , ILO for Nepal , CWIN and so on working for the welfare of children . Children's Act , 2048 BS has also declared the child labour illegal . Though there are flourishing numbers of legal provisions here around , they are limited only on the papers or on words . The reasons for child labour are like an unsolved puzzle. The cause may be negligence of the government , the compulsion of parents , the immorality of children , unsufficient input of organizations . All the respective persons must take this case sensitively and work for the welfare of children .
In a nutshell , child labor is the most prevailing social issue world wide which must be handle seriously . Every innocent children engaging in labour are waiting for the day when they could have full dress-up and stomach full . The morning must arrive where all children could blossom like flowers.
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