Nepal is a beautiful country it covers magnificent Mountain, fabulous Forest, tranquil temples and different dramatic diversity having said that we lost a child labour. We wake up in the early morning go to office by buses and meet guess who? A child who is accumulating a Ticket from you, after reaching the office you work there and in the daytime you like to take tea in the cafe or the eating house, again you meet guess who? A CHILD who is serving a tea or mo: mo and you enjoy eating them.The taste of tea and mo: mo will treat you nice but the dark side shows a different story that they are a child when you will realize this, it will definitely thrill you.
The hand which need Books, pencil, eraser and toys are playing with dishes on where you eat, Every factory is full up with child, they are working more than their physical ability. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), that shows around 265 million children are working in the world and almost 17 per cent in worldwide, it sounds disgusting. In Nepal, many children are still working on houses for their survival. Legislation has a law for child labour but it remained in an excellent paper word it doesn't work either it could be valued by none of the business tycoons. Nepal is an agricultural based country where every different season like monsoon i.e (harvesting and sowing a plant ) the majority of the child is engaged in a field they are used in a haphazard manner and I can say this is a complex issue that should be eradicated. We think we are poor, not definitely we are poor it is because of the child is working every day at Hotel, Factory, field furthermore I will not feel hesitate to say child labour is in everywhere.
Government have a huge responsibility to sweep away child slavery it is only possible until and unless the legislative act for child labour should be used properly and the poverty is a root cause of child labour and to reduce or remove poverty is the best way to root out child labour. There are some organization like:-
1. International labour in Nepal (ILO)
2. Child worker in Nepal (CWIN)
3. Koseli (gift) school ( concern for slum & street children )
4. Children and women in social service and human rights (CWISH Nepal )
These are the organization protecting a child from child slavery government should encourage them to work constantly and create the favourable environment and most importantly media has an enormous impact to talk against child labour every day. This we surely make a difference in the coming day. "A child is not a labour ~ A child is first love for peace "
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